Car usage Dependency-Plastics-Chemicals-Taxation.


Why on earth especially in later models of cars are users looking like traumatized robots

with open mouth and big eyeballs looking just straight forward, and why that plastic parfum odour  smelly matters in new cars.  


A solid old ford from 1953 that was steel, rubber, bakelite.

And the V8 benzina smells cordit explosives, while new cars smells sour fish.


Time changes things?


1.backdoors in computers, forged fake pirated plastics source delivery’s to car industry?

New, innovative cars made almost entirely of plastic are paving the way for what you may be driving in the future

A challenge currently facing automakers is how to use lightweight plastics to substitute heavy steel plates to save fuel consumption on cars, reduce the impact on the environment, and minimize hazards to pedestrians in car accidents.
Containing mineral fillers, Triax DP3155 polymeric plastics produced by Bayer


Recycling plastics from older cars


The separation facility has a series of six separation tanks. The chemistry of the solutions in each tank controls the separation effectiveness of the overall process. Researchers are now working to recover acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene and a number of other specific polymers.


produce acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)


HIGHLIGHTS: Exposure to acrylonitrile occurs mostly from breathing it in the air. Acrylonitrile primarily affects the nervous system and lungs. If it is spilled on the skin, the skin will turn red and blisters may form. This chemical has been found in at least 3 of the 1,177 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA

Other studies of workers exposed to

acrylonitrile (including textile workers and rubber workers), published in

the 1980’s, reported an excess of cancers at other sites including prostate,

stomach, colon, brain, and the lymphatic and hematopoietic systems








“looking like traumatized robots

with open mouth and big eyeballs”


what about amphetamins or other stuff mixed in plastics delivered by the backdoor?


A tool to increase cardriving and benzina usage and adding chems so people likes it really without thinking about it.?


Apparent Positive Effects:

  • Produces
    a burst of energy.
    You need less sleep.
  • You don´t
    feel hungry.
  • You feel alert, your concentration seems
    to improve and you feel full of confidence.

The Downside:


  • When the above effects wear off its payback time. You feel lethargic
    and extremely tired.
    Your body reclaims the extra energy you have used.
  • You may feel extremely depressed. These feelings can last a couple
    of days, maybe longer. Your quality of life is affected for a long time.
  • It can also make you irritable and aggressive.
  • It can increase your worries and make you paranoid.
  • In the short-term sleep, memory and concentration are all affected.
  • High doses repeated often may cause panic and hallucinations.
  • Long term use can cause a mental condition known as psychosis which
    is similar to schizophrenia. It also puts a strain on the heart, and
    overdose can be fatal.
  • Overdosing is a real possibility as tolerance to the drug builds up
    with use. Regular users have to use more and more to get the same ´buzz´.

Need for speed?

A stimulant drug. Its effects are similar to an adrenaline rush. People tend to be more confident and alert, lose their appetite and not be able to sleep.

Short-term effects of amphetamine use include:


Why on earth should i get MORE taxdeduction for a longer distance to work. It should be the opposite, to assist the poor nature dying out as the

lowering the cancer rate to the children,,98066,00.html

Egen bil till jobbet

Om du åker bil till jobbet kan du ha rätt att göra skatteavdrag


(I get taxdeduction to drive my car to note… and i pay tax when buying the benzina…with my salary which i paid tax on…) and the I have to pay roadtax…



. För inkomståret 2006 är avdraget 18 kronor per mil för den del av bilkostnaderna som överstiger 7 000 kronor, förutsatt att någon av punkterna nedan gäller.

  • Avståndet mellan ditt hem och arbete är minst fem kilometer och du tjänar minst två timmar per dag jämfört med andra färdmedel.
  • Allmänna kommunikationsmedel saknas eller är avlägset belägna och avståndet mellan ditt hem och arbete är minst 2 km.

Egen bil i tjänsten

Om du kör egen bil i tjänsten kan arbetsgivaren ersätta dig med 18 skattefria kronor per körd tjänstemil (inkomståret 2006).

Bilen kostar mer än så, och de som kör mycket i tjänsten får ofta en högre milersättning. Är ersättningen högre ska överskjutande del dock tas upp till beskattning både av arbetsgivaren och av dig.

Kör du bil i tjänsten minst 60 men högst 159 dagar om året får du göra avdrag för resor till och från arbetet för dessa dagar. Använder du bilen oftare får du göra avdrag för alla dagar som du arbetar. Du måste köra minst 300 mil i tjänsten per år för att ha denna avdragsrätt.


Det kan löna sig att ha tjänstebil, men det är långt ifrån självklart. Kör du inte mycket privat kan det vara mer intressant med en annan förmån eller högre lön.

När du har tjänstebil får du skatta för den som en förmån. Förmånsvärdet beräknas efter bilens inköpspris och gäller exklusive bensin. Betalar företaget även bensinen läggs detta förmånsvärde ovanpå bilens.



Payments connected with your job

Although you cannot usually ask us for the cost of travel between home and work, or ordinary work clothes, you may get a deduction for

  • tools, or any special or protective clothes that you buy, because you need them for work but your employer does not provide them or pay for them
  • certain professional fees and subscriptions
  • interest on some loans to buy equipment for your work, or for shares in the business
  • some expenses which your employer could have paid you without taking tax off but which you paid yourself. For example, business motoring costs, or the cost of travel between work premises, or between your home and a temporary workplace

was thinking it was salata only in sweden


what is it in the gasoline,benzina man?


Gasoline can also contain some other organic compounds: such as organic ethers (deliberately added), plus small levels of contaminants, in particular sulfur compounds such as disulfides and thiophenes. Some contaminants, in particular thiols and hydrogen sulfide, must be removed because they cause corrosion in engines.



The list of pirated plastics goods, or goods packaged in plastics, includes contact lenses, power tools, toys, home appliances, automotive parts, pharmaceuticals, and electronic products.


Something is sick here..


I get sick from

and I get medicals from this???

Frauds threaten world health

Serious counterfeiting is occurring in the pharmaceuticals sector. The World Health Organization estimates that fake drugs account for 10% of global drug trade. Therein, 16% have wrong ingredients, 17% contain inaccurate amounts of ingredients, and 60% are nothing but placebos. The cost of lost sales in the sector is an estimated $21 billion/yr.

I just try to understand here..

What is the idea to kill off mother nature-human mankind-when there will be no customers in the end?

It looks like this

or this stunt.

aha that’s why I do not get a new card? This look like absolute salata gorgonzola the drivers of the

“urbanisation with 30 000 new macdonalds in china, 45 new hotels in Ukraine, 18 golftrack in Cyprus and so on bang on just without thinking there is only one planet.

Email?  To Jan Peter Kajander

Fiskaregatan 34 391 01 kalmar